Huntress special unlock
Huntress special unlock


This boss has a significant health pool and deals substantial damage. Siren’s Call is a possible fourth location during a run, and you must destroy five egg nests to spawn the unique boss, the Alloy Worship Unit.

  • Loader (Unlock Requirement: Guidance Offline): To unlock Loader, you need to defeat the Alloy Worship Unit in the Siren’s Call stage.
  • Playing carefully, avoiding fall damage, and hoping for the Abyssal Depths as the fourth stage will increase your chances of success. It is crucial to be cautious while carrying the Fuel Array, as your character will explode when below 50% health, effectively reducing your health pool. The Fuel Array is found behind your drop pod in the first stage. To do this, you must escort a Fuel Array from your drop pod through multiple stages.
  • Rex (Unlock Requirement: Power Plant): Unlocking Rex requires powering it up during the Abyssal Depths stage.
  • This method also rewards you with Lunar Coins, making it a viable option to unlock the Artificer. Celestial Portals will appear in the third stage after completing one loop, which involves completing five unique stages before returning to the first stage. You must enter a Celestial Portal and interact with the Obelisk device to destroy your character and end the run.
  • Mercenary (Unlock Requirement: True Respite): The only way to unlock the Mercenary is by obliterating yourself at an Obelisk.
  • Ending runs through an Obelisk obliteration can be a source of Lunar Coins.


    To unlock the Artificer, open a portal to the Bazaar Between Time using a Newt Altar, interact with the frozen Artificer, and spend ten Lunar Coins to free her. One coin is needed for the Bazaar, while the remaining ten are required to purchase the Artificer outright. These coins are not easily obtainable, and you’ll need a total of eleven Lunar Coins to unlock the Artificer.

  • Artificer (Unlock Requirement: Pause): Unlocking the Artificer can be a bit challenging as it requires Lunar Coins.
  • huntress special unlock

    Unlocking the Engineer will gradually happen over time, but if you want to expedite the process, consider playing on the Drizzle difficulty and focusing on teleporter events. You can choose to repeatedly complete the first stage or engage in ten three-stage runs to fulfill this requirement. Progress is tracked across all your games, meaning you don’t have to complete all 30 stages in a single run.

  • Engineer (Unlock Requirement: Engineering Perfection): Unlocking the Engineer requires completing 30 stages in total.
  • Once you’ve unlocked MUL-T, our guide on mastering this Survivor can provide valuable tips. This requirement shouldn’t pose too much difficulty, especially if you play on an easier mode. As you progress through the teleporter event and reach the second zone, you will make progress toward unlocking MUL-T. These stage completions are cumulative and can be achieved across different runs.

    huntress special unlock

  • MUL-T (Unlock Requirement: Verified): To unlock MUL-T, you need to complete the first teleporter event five times.
  • Lowering the difficulty level can help you familiarize yourself with the stages and enemy behaviors if you’re finding it challenging to reach the third stage. It is important to strike a balance between looting crates and speedrunning through zones to ensure success in this challenge.
  • Bandit (Unlock Requirement: Warrior): To unlock the Bandit, you must complete the Warrior challenge, which involves finishing the first three stages without dying.

    If you’re looking to become a pro with the Huntress, our guide to playing as her can provide valuable insights.

    huntress special unlock huntress special unlock

    With her powerful ranged attacks, the Huntress is a glass cannon character. However, there was a time when players had to complete three stages without dying to unlock the Huntress. Huntress (Unlocked by default): Similar to the Commando, the Huntress is also unlocked by default.


    To maximize your Commando gameplay, be sure to check out our guide on how to play as the Commando. Despite being straightforward, the Commando can pack a punch. With simple mechanics that are easy to grasp, the Commando serves as a great starting point for newcomers.

  • Commando (Unlocked by default): The Commando is the first Survivor and is available to all players from the start of the game.

  • Huntress special unlock